Blessing and Curse

Blessing and Curse


A Theological Exploration of Divine-Human Relationship
from Abraham to the Early Church



The themes of blessing and curse form a foundational framework for understanding the divine-human relationship throughout the biblical narrative. From the covenant with Abraham to the eschatological hope articulated in the New Testament, blessings and curses serve as tangible indicators of obedience, faithfulness, and dependence on God. This paper will explore the development of these themes from the Abrahamic covenant through the ministry of Jesus and into early Christian theology, drawing on key biblical texts such as Genesis 12, Deuteronomy 28, Psalm 1, Mark 11, and John 15.  


By analysing these texts, we will show how blessings and curses highlight the interplay between obedience and disobedience, dependence on God and individualism, and fruitfulness and barrenness. Furthermore, this paper will engage with theological anthropology and social equity, examining how these themes shape human identity, purpose, and societal flourishing.


The Covenant with Abraham: The Paradigm of Blessing and Curse  

The Abrahamic covenant in Gen 12:1-3 introduces the concept of blessing as central to God’s relationship with humanity. God promises to bless Abraham, make his name great, and bless all nations through him. This covenant establishes a pattern: obedience to God’s call results in blessing and fruitfulness, while disobedience brings consequences.  

‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you’ Gen 12:1-3.


The blessing of Abraham extends beyond personal prosperity; it is a call to be a conduit of divine blessing to the nations. This universal scope of the covenant prefigures the inclusion of all peoples in the blessings of God, as emphasised in Paul’s letter to the Galatians 3:7-9.  


Consequences for Disobedience  

The covenant includes implicit warnings. Failure to trust God, as seen in Gen 16 with Abraham and Sarah’s attempt to secure an heir through Hagar, results in personal and communal strife. This underscores the dangers of independence from God and reliance on human wisdom.


Blessings and Curses in the Mosaic Covenant

The themes of blessing and curse are further developed in the Mosaic covenant, particularly in Deut 28. Here, the blessings of obedience are explicitly tied to the land's fruitfulness, prosperity, and security. Conversely, curses follow disobedience, manifesting in barrenness, exile, and destruction.  

‘If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his 

commands... all these blessings will come on you and accompany 

you if you obey the Lord your God…However, if you do not 

obey the Lord your God...all these curses will come on you and 

overtake you’ Deut 28:1-2; 15.  


These blessings and curses reflect the covenantal structure of the relationship between God and Israel, emphasising faithfulness as the key to communal flourishing.  


The Fig Tree as a Symbol of Fruitfulness and Judgment  

In the New Testament, the cursing of the fig tree by Jesus (Mark 11:12-14; Matthew 21:18-22) serves as a dramatic symbol of judgment on unfruitfulness and hypocrisy. The fig tree, though full of leaves, bore no fruit, illustrating the failure of Israel to fulfil its covenantal role.  

‘May no one ever eat fruit from you again’ Mark 11:14.

The fig tree connects to Old Testament imagery of Israel as a vineyard or tree expected to bear fruit (Isa 5:1-7). Its withering serves as a warning of the consequences of covenantal unfaithfulness, paralleling the curses in Deut 28.  


Fruitfulness and the Spirit’s Leading  

This episode highlights the importance of dependence on God for true fruitfulness. Abraham’s faith and obedience, contrasted with Israel’s failure, underscore the centrality of divine guidance in human flourishing.


John 15: The Vine and the Branches  

Jesus’ teaching in John 15 offers a profound theological vision of abiding in Him as the source of fruitfulness. This passage synthesises the themes of blessing, fruitfulness, and obedience.  

‘Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit 

by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit 

unless you remain in me’ John 15:4-5.


The vine imagery recalls the blessings promised to Abraham and Israel, emphasising the necessity of intimate union with Christ for spiritual and communal flourishing. The consequences of failing to abide in Christ mirror the curses of the Old Testament, resulting in withering and being cast away (John 15:6).  


Theological Anthropology and Social Equity  

Blessings and curses, as theological constructs, offer insight into human identity and purpose. They emphasise humanity’s dependence on God for life, fruitfulness, and flourishing. The biblical narrative presents a relational anthropology where human well-being is tied to obedience and faithfulness to God.  

Psalm 1 offers a vision of the righteous as a fruitful tree, planted by 

streams of water. This reflects a life oriented toward God and rooted 

in divine wisdom.


John 15 expands this vision, showing that true human flourishing is 

found in abiding in Christ, leading to love, justice, and communal 



The warnings against independence from God critique the individualism prevalent in modern theological and social thought. Instead, the biblical model promotes a communal and covenantal approach to human identity and flourishing.  



From Abraham to the early church, the themes of blessing and curse reveal a consistent theological framework: obedience to God leads to fruitfulness and blessing, while disobedience results in barrenness and judgment. These themes invite reflection on the nature of human flourishing and the role of dependence on God in achieving true equity and justice. As seen in John 15, abiding in Christ remains central to living out the blessings of the covenant in a way that transforms both individuals and communities.  



Brueggemann, Walter. ‘The Land: Place as Gift, Promise, and Challenge in Biblical Faith’. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2002.  
Lincoln, Andrew T. ‘The Gospel According to St. John’. London: Continuum, 2005.  
Wright, N.T. ‘Jesus and the Victory of God’. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1996.  
Wright, Christopher J.H. ‘The Mission of God: Unlocking the Bible’s Grand Narrative’. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2006.  
The Holy Bible, New International Version (NIV). Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2011.  

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